The Parent Company Byggfakta Group Nordic HoldCo AB, Corp. Reg. No. 559262-7516, was formed on 8 July 2020. 100% of the group of companies incorporated in Byggfakta Group Ljusdal AB, with Corp. Reg. No. 559117-6762, was acquired on 24 September 2020.
1 October–31 December
- Net sales increased 113.5% to MSEK 512.6 (240.0), of which organic growth amounted to 11.4%
- ARR increased 138.0% to MSEK 1,619.0 (680.3), of which organic growth amounted to 10.1%
- Adjusted EBITDA was MSEK 170.3 (70.7), corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 33.2% (29.4)
- EBIT was MSEK 36.8 (80.6), including items affecting comparability of MSEK -11.9 (67.2)
- Profit/loss for the period totalled MSEK -28.6 (62.8).
- Basic and diluted earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.14 (-0.78)
- Cash flow from operating activities totalled MSEK 183.3 (47.3)
- On 15 October, Byggfakta Group’s shares were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. In conjunction with the listing, a new share issue was carried out and the existing loan portfolio was refinanced with new credit facilities.
- Acquisitions were completed of 100% of INFO-TECHNO on 6 October, CIS on 8 October, Construdata21 on 13 October, BCI Media Group on 21 October, Nexus IT on 29 October and Forecon on 1 November, with an accumulated net sales of approximately MSEK 350 in 2020.
- The Board proposes, in line with the dividend policy, that no dividend is to be distributed
1 January–31 December
- Net sales increased to MSEK 1,552.6 (240.0)
- Adjusted EBITDA was MSEK 585.4 (70.7), corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 37.7% (29.4)
- Proforma net sales increased to MSEK 1,963.8 (1,789.5) and proforma adjusted EBITDA to MSEK 707.2 (643.6), corresponding to a proforma adjusted EBITDA margin of 36.0% (36.0)
- EBIT was MSEK 47.1 (80.6), including items affecting comparability of MSEK -123.9 (67.2)
- Profit/loss for the period totalled MSEK -307.2 (62.8)
- Basic and diluted earnings per share amounted to SEK -2.71 (-0.78)
- Cash flow from operating activities totalled MSEK 127.1 (47.3), negatively impacted by interest payments of MSEK -184.3 (36.3).
- Net debt at the end of the period in relation to proforma adjusted EBITDA for the latest twelve-month period was 3.1 x (–)